Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dear little Etsy shop o' mine...

...your shelves have been so bare lately.  Never mind, just know I have BIG plans for you, with a Spring Update planned for March 29th!!! 

There will be lots of dolls and goodies like this that are finally nearing completion, now that the turmoil surrounding adding our new baby is subsiding... so, be comforted, my lil' shop!

And get ready for Moday, March 29th 2010 I'll be updating this blog till then with some sneek peeks, so if you are a good sleuth, you may have a pretty good idea of what I've got up my sleeve!  (here's a little something Lucy likes a LOT!  It's a good thing I'm making a few!)


About Me

My photo
Mamazakka is Mommy blogger Autumn Sousanis; also-known-as Autumn Dunbar; and also-known-as "Mama" to six little ones, ages 9, 7.5, 5, 3.5 2 and a 3 month old! :) Busy,yes. A graduate of C.C.S. (Center for Creative Studies, School of Art and Design in Detroit) with my bachelor's degree in Fine Arts, I have finally found my calling as 'Mamazakka', maker of everything and anything that might improve your home, life and outlook. :) It's my goal to create things that truly meet Wikipedia's definition for 'zakka'; (here's an excerpt)..."cute, corny, kitschy is not enough. To qualify, a product must be attractive, sensitive and laden with subtext." Oh yeah! You betcha! Well, that's my goal, anyhow! I'm also known as an over-user of exclamation marks(!) and parentheses (can't help it) though I do try to keep my smileys to a minimum :)