Showing posts with label Pfau. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pfau. Show all posts

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Dyeing a little...

Venturing into some scary territory this morning - and dyed my first woolen baby wrap!
A wool and cotton blend, the Didymos Juno Pfau!
(before dyeing - stock photo)

Also known as the 'Christmas Pfau' because of it's (usually) forest green-and-white color scheme, ugh, I just could not love it, even though it's wrapping qualities are legend...and heck, it was supposed to be my woolie baby wrap for the winter...anyhow, after gathering supplies for a few weeks, it took the plunge today! Despite my nerves a'jangling, it went through the wash, then into steamy hot water on the stovetop, all teal-ly with acid dye and vinegar...and tried hard not to mess with it (I've read these things felt so easily!) then rinsed it and washed it in Eucalan on the gentlest cycle my machine can do - and, voila! Oh my teal-ly blue green goodness! A woolie Pfau I can looooove! Mmmmmmm. Yummy. 2 tone, because the white threads are wool and the acid dye only adhered to those threads...and the result? Still shimmery and gorgeous. And wearable! (I have olive skin. Forest green? Uh, no. Teal? Yessssssssssssssssssssssss!)

Hard to photograph, I am showing it next to my Ocean (Aqua?) Pfau so you can see the difference in blues...
So, see? All the white chickens (okay, peacocks) all turned teal! No more white! I lurve it! 

If you'd like to know how to do this yourself, first read the great info on wool dyeing here and here.  Based on that info, I bought a giant 21 quart enameled canning pot from Amazon and 2 Jacquard acid dye 'pots' in teal from along with a big 'splosh' of white vinegar that I already had in the pantry.  Finish with Eucalan wool wash and enjoy your new woolie! :)

About Me

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Mamazakka is Mommy blogger Autumn Sousanis; also-known-as Autumn Dunbar; and also-known-as "Mama" to six little ones, ages 9, 7.5, 5, 3.5 2 and a 3 month old! :) Busy,yes. A graduate of C.C.S. (Center for Creative Studies, School of Art and Design in Detroit) with my bachelor's degree in Fine Arts, I have finally found my calling as 'Mamazakka', maker of everything and anything that might improve your home, life and outlook. :) It's my goal to create things that truly meet Wikipedia's definition for 'zakka'; (here's an excerpt)..."cute, corny, kitschy is not enough. To qualify, a product must be attractive, sensitive and laden with subtext." Oh yeah! You betcha! Well, that's my goal, anyhow! I'm also known as an over-user of exclamation marks(!) and parentheses (can't help it) though I do try to keep my smileys to a minimum :)