I have been having a rough, oh, month or so...I've been sick, my Etsy shop is down, my camera is broken...but soon, soon I will be back in full force! Really!
In the meantime, here is a video clip that I really enjoyed and hope you will too (gives me chills for some reason...the good kind of chills). My sister Soleilgirl sent me the link. She's smart like that. I made a Wild Thing and a Max costume for my family a few Halloweens ago and then won First Prize with them on Etsy(!), so aside from loving the book ever since I was a kid, me and the Wild Things, we're tight. ;)
By the way, the song in the trailer is called 'Wake Up' by Arcade Fire (a Canadian indie band) . Karen O (of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs) and Carter Burwell did the music for the movie which was written by Spike Jonze and Dave Eggers. Coming in October...oh I can hardly wait!!!